Combined with the Lofi, it is THE BEST night in Seattle, It is...
"A night dedicated to exposing the people of Seattle to the best obscure records from our collections. "Dug" as in we dug them up. Lost diamonds in a sea of schlocky crap. It is our mission to hunt them down and bring them to you for your dancing pleasure... HEAVY FUNK, JAZZ BREAKS, RARE BOOGIE, BOOGALOO, DEEP DISCO, EARLY HIP HOP, REGGAE, FUNKY ROCK, ELECTRO, ETC........If it's good then it's good....You don't stand a chance if you can't dance."

My first night at Dug happened to be as their door girl. And while I collected money from folks dressed to the teeth, I sketched the picture below on the guest list.

Rob found my sketch and made a copy. Here he is below working on his rendition.
The walls at Lo-fi were looking bare at the time. We decided to decorate the walls at Dug for one night only. There was no opening, no flyer, no show, no titles, no prices....just our sketches and final works hanging on the walls.
A taste of Dug:
Things We Like Vol_ III.mp3

This pretty much sums up Dug....Ladies sitting on planks of wood floating on a river of booze and other craziness. The colors Rob chose really bring out the alcohol induced haze.

Things We Like Vol_ III.mp3