mary and rob


Rob and I were invited to design a toy in 2008. We had painted on a Qee before, but this will be our first attempt making our very own "official" toy. The masterminds behind it all were Super Rad Toys, who promoted unique toys and the artists who create them. However, something went wrong and the goshos got cancelled.

These are our plans and sketches. Many many hours and erasers went into the our Krishnamurti doll.

Jiddu Krishnamurti was a great mind that blessed the earth from 1895 to 1986. If you don't know him, look him up. He's worth the search. We were inspired by him with our toy design. Krishnamurti was an amazing peaceful teacher.

This is what a blank Ningyo Gosho looks like. The Gosho dolls were given as gifts during the Tokugawa shogunate period (1603-1868). And made to provoke, invoke, fear, revere and inspire. The doll is carrying a rope which symbolized good luck. The figure would use the rope to pull in ships carrying treasure and other fortunes. Our Gosho will bring a peace of mind.

click image to enlarge

This was our final design compilation. Many sketches were first made on paper, scanned in and worked on. It was challenging fitting Krishnamurti's narrow face on a chubby child's head, but I feel like we captured his essence. He often spoke of the human brain so we chose to have his exposed.


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Mary Santiago

Mary Santiago

Robert Santiago

Robert Santiago

Gracie and Rickson Santiago

Gracie and Rickson Santiago
...Our consistency as artists belongs to the willingness to emerge ourselves in the subject of focus and create works that emulate those ideas without depending on the success of past creations.

We make things not as a visual pleasure but more of a hammer driving a spike into our brain and the only way to make it stop is creating these images that inspire us.

Wood Series Originals and Prints

Wood Series Originals and Prints
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