mary and rob


Rob's sketches are already drawn out in his mind.
It's only a matter of how well he can illustrate them on paper.
We picked key words to help keep us focused...

Once we start painting, ideas move from one direction to another. Sometimes we don't know what's going on.
Rob painted the left half of the water.
I painted the right.

PhotobucketThese guys are canon ball traders, obviously.


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Mary Santiago

Mary Santiago

Robert Santiago

Robert Santiago

Gracie and Rickson Santiago

Gracie and Rickson Santiago
...Our consistency as artists belongs to the willingness to emerge ourselves in the subject of focus and create works that emulate those ideas without depending on the success of past creations.

We make things not as a visual pleasure but more of a hammer driving a spike into our brain and the only way to make it stop is creating these images that inspire us.

Wood Series Originals and Prints

Wood Series Originals and Prints
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